5. The Dame Cicely Saunders Room




The Dame Cicely Saunders Room was the original reception area at St Christopher’s. There, you would have found a small shop selling toiletries and chocolates which also did a trade in under the counter cigarettes!

Now though, it is a space used to home Dame Cicely's husband, Marian's artwork, who painted at the hospice every day. You'll see in the entrance to the room his bust, and once inside, his paintings, which include a portrait of Cicely, are displayed on the wall.

His artwork is seen by many, as the room is now used for events ranging from internal staff training, to seminars, conferences and event concerts.

Another special part of this room can be found at the far end: David Tasma's window.



Exit the Dame Cicely Saunders Room through the same door that you entered. Now walk up the next set of stairs and you will see the Tribute Tree on your right.
When you have arrived click the button below.




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